Prevent Flat Tires
Instantly repairs 1/4" punctures in small tires. Up to 3/4" punctures in heavy ply industrial tires.
Reduce Down Time
Using as preventative maintenance eliminates tire repairs and tire failures due to underinflation.
Maintain Air Pressure
Coats inner surface of wheel to eliminate all sources of air loss including rim, bead, weather cracking, and porosity leaks.
Easy to Use
Installs easily through the valve stem once the valve core is removed. 5 gallon pump overrides air pressure up to 50 psi.
Extend Tire Life
Keeps your tires properly inflated and balanced while keeping the rubber cooler to promote slower even tread wear.
No Mess
Stays liquid for the life of the tire. Never breaks down or separates. Does not rust or corrode wheels. Rinses out with water.